Auto Insurance in and around Hicksville
Auto owners in the Hicksville area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Put it into drive, wisely

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Be Ready For The Road Ahead
You've got the car. Now it's time to change lanes and choose the right protection.
Auto owners in the Hicksville area, State Farm can help with your insurance needs.
Put it into drive, wisely

Coverage From Here To There And Everywhere In Between
Whether you're looking for reliable protection for your vehicle like liability coverage, emergency road service coverage and car rental and travel expenses coverage, or terrific savings options like an older vehicle passive restraint safety feature discount and a newer vehicle safety features discount, State Farm can help. State Farm agent Fran Kasprzak Jr. can help you choose which individual options are right for you.
When unfortunate events put you off road, coverage from State Farm can help. Reach out to agent Fran Kasprzak Jr. to see which coverage fits your needs with State Farm auto insurance.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Francis at (516) 433-0050 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Check out these gas theft prevention tips to help keep thieves from stealing fuel from your vehicle.
New vs. used car — calculate cost of ownership
New vs. used car — calculate cost of ownership
Purchase price is just one consideration - you should also weigh depreciation and other factors. Use this new car vs used car calculator to help decide what kind of car you can afford.

Fran Kasprzak Jr.
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Protect your vehicle from gas theft
Check out these gas theft prevention tips to help keep thieves from stealing fuel from your vehicle.
New vs. used car — calculate cost of ownership
New vs. used car — calculate cost of ownership
Purchase price is just one consideration - you should also weigh depreciation and other factors. Use this new car vs used car calculator to help decide what kind of car you can afford.